Public records that are responsive to a request, and not covered by an exemption, may be inspected at no cost if the document already exists, and it takes one hour or less of cumulative staff time to research, retrieve, review and segregate the public records; however, the City will charge a research and retrieval fee of $41.37 per hour for the staff time exceeding one hour. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City reserves the right to require supervision of the inspection and copying of any public records and will charge a research and retrieval fee for staff time, as well as actual costs for copies requested.
Sec. 1-52. Fee schedule.
The City's research and retrieval fee is $41.37 per hour commencing after the first hour of work; such fee is also stated in the City's adopted Fee Schedule. Fees for copies, printouts and photographs are in accordance with C.R.S § 24-72-205, pursuant to which the fee for a copy of a standard page is .25 cents per page and the actual cost or providing a copy in a format other than a standard page.
Sec. 1-53. Deposit and pre-pay requirements.
If the Official Custodian reasonably believes that fulfillment of any request may result in more than one hour of staff time and/or significant copying charges, the Official Custodian may require a monetary deposit before commencing work to research and retrieve or prepare the records. If the Official Custodian estimates that the time to research and retrieve the documents the Applicant will be required to pre-pay the estimated costs before the City commences action to retrieve and make available the records. If the final amount is greater than the estimate, the Applicant shall pay the additional amount at the time the records are made available. If the final amount is less than the estimate, the amount of overpayment shall be refunded.
Sec. 1-54. Forms of payment.
Whenever fees are assessed pursuant to these CORA Rules, the City will accept payment in the forms that are accepted at that time by the City. Except as stated herein, payment shall be made at the time the records are made available.