Backyard Chickens

Overview: Backyard Chickens are allowed in certain areas after obtaining a permit from the Community Development Department.  Owners or tenants may apply for a backyard chicken permit if they are over 18 years of age.  Backyard chicken permits are non-transferable.  Backyard chickens are NOT permitted within mobile home parks and must be approved by an HOA if one exists.  Renters must provide permission from their landlord and/or HOA with their application. 
Insurance: please check with your home owner's insurance provider to determine if there are any policy implications of adding backyard chickens to your property prior to making your final decision to add them.
Application Fee: $75.00
Process: Following the submission of an application for a Backyard Chicken Permit, staff will review the site plan provided for compliance with dimensional setbacks.  (Some lots may be too small or may not be able to meet the dimensional requirements necessary for obtaining a license.)  Following planning review, the applicant will be contacted and the permit will be paid for at the front desk of City Hall.  The applicant will then construct or install their coop in accordance with the approved site plan contained in their permit application and will call for an inspection of the coop once it is complete.  The building official will inspect the coop for compliance with the application and any applicable building codes.
Requirements: The ownership, possession, harboring, keeping, slaughtering, and care of, backyard chickens is subject to the following requirements;

(1)  No more than six (6) backyard chickens are permitted per developed single-family residential lot.

(2)  Roosters, and any other fowl or poultry, including but not limited to, ducks, quail, geese, pigeons, peafowl or turkeys are prohibited.

(3)  Backyard chickens may only be kept in the rear yard of a residential lot with an existing single-family residence and within a designated chicken coop, which may include a run, meeting the following requirements:

(a)  The coop shall be fully enclosed, having floors, walls and roofs sufficient to protect the backyard chickens from predators, inclement weather and extreme temperatures;

(b)  The coop shall provide a minimum of six square feet of living space per chicken;

(c)  The coop shall not exceed a maximum gross floor area of 120 square feet;

(d)  The coop shall not exceed six feet in height as measured from the ground;

(e)  The coop or run shall have a minimum ten (10) feet setback from any side or rear property line;

(f)  No coop or run shall be located between the rear of principal structure and the front yard lot line;

(g)  Only one coop and one run is allowed per rear yard; and

(h)  Any run shall be fully enclosed, adequately fenced and protected from predators, and shall have direct access to the chicken coop.

(4)  Backyard chickens must be securely kept within the coop in the rear yard from dusk until dawn.  

(5)  During daylight hours or from dawn to dusk, backyard chickens may be allowed to roam within a designated chicken run, or outside of a designated chicken run and only within the enclosed rear yard, if such backyard chickens are rendered unable to fly.

(6)  A rear yard with backyard chickens shall be fully screened by a privacy fence a minimum of six feet in height located on or inside all property lines of the rear yard.

(7)  A fresh water supply for backyard chickens shall be provided and maintained in the rear yard of the property at all times, in a location readily accessible to all backyard chickens.

(8)  Chicken coops and runs shall be kept in good working condition and regularly maintained in a clean, sanitary condition so as to control dust, odor, and waste and to minimize the presence of flies and other insects and potential for disease.

(9)  Animal excrement and other waste must be stored in a re-sealable, airtight, vermin-proof and predator-proof container, and shall be properly disposed of to control odor and minimize potential for disease.

(10)  Chicken feed shall be enclosed in a re-sealable, airtight, vermin-proof and predator-proof container.

(11)  The slaughtering of backyard chickens is permitted outdoors however the slaughtering shall be limited only to the property subject to the license and to those backyard chickens permitted by the license. In addition, the slaughtering location must be screened so as to not be visible from any adjoining properties.