
Ruston Park Phase A - Funding


TOTAL FUNDING $4,795,000.00

This project is being paid for with a combination of funds including Federal Heights Open Space funds, contributions from the Mile High Flood District and an Adams County Open Space grant that the City was awarded for this project in 2019. This Phase is the most expensive phase of the Ruston Park Master Plan and planning for it required that the City work annually with the Mile High Flood District to budget annually toward the estimated costs for this entire phase. 


Federal Heights Open Space and Drainage Funds: $1,890,000.00

The City's contribution from a combination of Drainage Improvement funds, and Open Space funds were provided through the City's apportionment of Open Space funds from the State Lottery and our component of the annual distribution of Adams County Open Space sales tax funds. 


Adams County Open Space Grant: $1,800,000.00

A significant portion of the funding however came from the Adams County Open Space Grant funding through a grant award that was secured in 2019.  These contributions represent an amazing financial partnership that will benefit the residents of Federal Heights and park visitors for many years to come.  We are so proud and thankful of the regional cooperation that made this investment possible.


Mile High Flood District: $1,105,000.00

The Mile High Flood District contributed funds annually as their budgeting allowed for the completion of this project and the City is so thankful for their generous contributions and continued commitment to this project and the investment in the City and its residents that their financial support represents.


Below is a table of annual contributions to this project since 2015.

Year City Funds
MHFD Open Space Grant Balance
2015 $30,000.00 $30,000.00   $60,000.00
2016 $350,000.00 $350,000.00   $760,000.00
2017 $450,000.00     $1,210,000.00
2018 $450,000.00 $250,000.00   $1,910,000.00
2019 $450,000.00     $2,360,000.00
2020 1st Pmnt $160,000.00 $275,000.00 $600,000.00 $3,395,000.00
2020 2nd Pmnt     $600,000.00 $3,995,000.00
2021 3rd Pmnt     $600,000.00 $4,595,000.00
2021   $200,000.00   $4,795,000.00
Total $1,890,000.00 $1,105,000.00 $1,800,000.00 $4,795,000.00