John W. and Ann C. Miller were the 19th and 20th signers of the Petition to Incorporate the City of Federal Heights. They purchased Tract #28 from Overby and Lois Sterett on April 16, 1937 and sold it to an investment company on March 23, 1940.
John and Ann lived in Denver in the 1930s and 1940s working various jobs in the restaurant, jewelry, and apartment industries. In 1933, they lived at a home on Humboldt Street which still stands. On the 1940 census, John reported he had been born in Pennsylvania and Ann said she had been born in Ohio. They were living in an apartment building on 1753 Grant Street where John was the proprietor and Ann was working as an unpaid assistant manager. They both reported four years of formal education. When John registered for the World War II draft in 1942, the couple was living in Denver. John said he had been born on September 29, 1900 in Carrick, Pennsylvania. The draft registrar reported that John was tattooed on both arms from shoulders to wrist.
During the 1950s, the couple purchased properties in Denver. They moved to Fremont County, Colorado where John passed away in 1979 and Ann passed away in 1980.