Floodplain Information
Welcome to the City of Federal Heights Floodplain Information page. Below are some links to floodplain information within the City of Federal Heights, along with other helpful resources from the Mile High Flood District (MHFD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The Cherry Creek Flood, Denver 1864, Photo by George D. Wakely |
City of Federal Heights Floodplain Administration |
Floodplain Mapping Update
The Mile High Flood District (MHFD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) work together to incorporate locally developed Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD) studies into the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). The FHAD studies have been produced to identify and update flood risk information and floodplain boundaries. The Physical Map Revision (PMR) is the FEMA process to update the FIRMs. Learn more about the PMR process and what that could mean for you and your property.
The MHFD has been working on updating the Niver Creek FHAD Study dated August 2021 and now has finalized it. This study has been accepted by the District Board at the August meeting. It has also been referred to the Colorado Water Conservative Board (CWCB) for designation and approval, and will be considered at their January 2022 meeting. For additional informational information related to the Study please visit https://nivercreekmdp-fhad.com/about, or if you'd like to see the newly mapped floodplain visit https://mhfd.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=527d39640fa7402bbda12bf9e640aa28
Federal Heights Floodplain Regulations (Federal Heights Municipal Code)
Floodplain Development Application
Federal Heights Floodplain Map
Mile High Flood District (MHFD) |
- Mile High Flood Risk Brochure (Federal Heights)
- Mile High Flood Risk Brochure (Unincorporated Adams County)
- MHFD Floodplain Mapping Resource
- Colorado Flood Threat Wedsite
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FEMA GIS This website allows you to scroll in and out to find your specific site or location as it relates to the floodplains.
Floodsmart The national flood insurance program.
FEMA Elevation Certificate (online fillable form).
FEMA Elevation Certificate (fillable .pdf form for download).