Enterprise Zones

The Colorado legislature created the Enterprise Zone (EZ) Program to encourage development in economically distressed areas of the state. The 16 designated enterprise zones have high unemployment rates, low per capita income, or slow population growth. Local enterprise zone administrators manage their respective enterprise zones.

In designated enterprise zones:

  • businesses are eligible for state income tax credits and sales and use tax exemptions for specific business investments
  • economic development projects form by incentivizing taxpayers to contribute through state income tax credits
  • taxpayers who contribute to enterprise zone projects may earn income tax credits

Enterprise zone areas within rural counties that meet additional economic distress criteria receive enhanced rural enterprise zone status. Businesses within enhanced rural enterprise zones earn additional tax credits when adding net new employees.

The Adams County Regional Economic Partnership (AC-REP) administers the Adams County Enterprise Zones for the City of Federal Heights. The Colorado Enterprise Zone Program is a statewide initiative offering various business tax credits to incentivize companies to locate or develop in these designated areas and help nonprofits providing vital services in area communities. Below is a link with more information from AC-REP about the program and participation.


AC-REP Enterprise Zone Fact Sheet