Street Sweeping

Street Sweeping – March 3rd – 5th    

 Street Sweeping Map     

Street sweepers will first sweep the residential streets for the scheduled area on the scheduled sweeping day and will then sweep the primary and secondary streets in the scheduled area where residents do not typically park. If sweeping of the entire scheduled area is completed prior to the end of the day the sweepers can proceed to the primary and secondary streets in the next scheduled area. If the scheduled area is not completed on the scheduled day sweepers will first sweep the residential streets in the next scheduled day/area and can then return to sweep the primary and/or secondary streets in the prior scheduled area.


Monday, March 3rd  

Area 1 – W. 104th Avenue to W. 96th Avenue between Federal Boulevard and Zuni Street

On street residential parking areas include:

  • W. 103rd Avenue in the Hunters Cove Apartments area
  • Northborough neighborhood streets in the area of W. 100th Avenue between Federal Boulevard and Zuni Street
  • East side of Elm Court north of W. 96th Avenue


Tuesday, March 4th   

Area 2 – W. 96th Avenue to W. 88th Avenue between Federal Boulevard and Pecos Street

On street residential parking areas include:

  • Elm Court north of 92nd Avenue adjacent to Pine Gardens Apartments
  • Maura Villa Area at Clay Street north of 92nd Avenue
  • All residential streets between W. 92nd Avenue and W. 89th Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Pecos Street including the Old Town, Mobile Landed Estates, Homestead Heights & Monticello neighborhoods including Camenisch Street, Fontaine Street & Tejon Street from W. 90th Avenue to W. 92nd Avenue.


Wednesday, March 5th

Area 3 – W. 88th Avenue to W. 84th Avenue from Zuni Street to Huron Street

On street residential parking areas include:

  • W. 85th Avenue & Stacy Drive in the Tuscan Heights area at W. 85th Avenue, west of Pecos Street
  • Hyland Park Heights neighborhood at W. 85th Avenue, west of Stacy Drive 
  • Northmoor Neighborhood at W. 85th Avenue, east of Pecos Street