2024 Comprehensive Plan Update
Welcome to the City of Federal Heights 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update website! Please bookmark this site and check back often for project updates, event announcements, and draft plan elements for review! We will have both in-person and virtual opportunities to provide feedback during this process. Information about events will be advertised on the City's website and social media outlets. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Federal Heights City Council hired Cushing Terrell to update the Comprehensive Plan and facilitate the community engagement process. Once adopted, this plan will provide the vision and regulatory framework to manage municipal resources and guide land use decisions into the future based on a shared vision for the community. The bulk of the community engagement will happen in 2024, with general timelines listed in the column to the left.
Phase 1: Kickoff, Outreach and Engagement Planning
(November 2023 - January 2024)
- Project Kickoff & Project Management
- Outreach and Engagement Planning
Phase 2: Existing Conditions Analysis
- Data Collection
- Land Use and Zoning Code Review
Phase 3: Future Land Use Planning
- Future Land Use Map
- Draft Recommendations and Implementation Strategies
Phase 4: Draft and Final Comprehensive Plan
- Draft Comprehensive Plan Update
- Final Draft Comprehensive Plan Update
- Final Plan Approvals